Limo Liberals

Joe writes:

Motor avenue in west l.a. is a crucial artery to take people from culver city to their jobs in century city and westwood. It relieves traffic on overland and sepulveda and is generally regarded by many as a necessary part of traffic flow.

So on my way in today i notice a sign on motor called "traffic calming information" with a number to call 213-227-6464, which i thought would be some meditation mantra. No, it is an announcement that as of October, they will be shutting the traffic lights on motor to turn every few seconds to make traffic worse so that people who have to work in the area, including mexicans, blacks, poor whites, etc., who do not live in the area, will not drive by the area. I call fascist BS of the worst kind. This is simply liberal professionals in cheviot hills trying to create their own little preserve. Well, i am sorry, but there is such a thing as public roads. Maybe your kids are too good to go to public schools, and you do not use any public services, but guess what, i pay taxes and get to use roads like motor, that, last time i checked, belonged to us, not liberals who want to exclude riff raff.

I wonder if these same liberals are pushing for traffic relief on crenshaw boulevard in south l.a., or at least fixing the paving in south l.a. which currently looks like something from san miguel de allende.

Give me a break. Traffic reduction for white liberals.

PS. I think that motor thing is ancient history.  From searching the web it looks like homeowners were defeated and Motor is now normal.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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