Monthly Archives: September 2007

Amalek Lectures Luke On Love

Chaim Amalek emails: Recognize that you are beyond the age and far beneath the income level at which it is rational for a mature woman of comparable years to date you. As this is going to include essentially all Jewish … Continue reading

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FBI Investigating Boeing Scientist & Devout Orthodox Jew For Friendly Spying For Israel?

Vic Walter and Eric Longabardi Report For ABC News: Agents in the FBI’s foreign counterintelligence unit have opened a criminal investigation into the handling of classified material by a senior scientist at Boeing. The scientist, Abraham Lesnik, of suburban Los … Continue reading

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Israel’s Unholy Image

From The Jewish Press blog: Thumbing through this month’s issue of Conde Nast Traveler, I stopped upon a two-page spread advertising Israel. The ad features a lithe female in a tube top stretching her body in a dancer’s pose on … Continue reading

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‘Shabbos Kodesh’

For years, Shalhevet students have had the habit of dancing down the halls singing "Shabbos Kodesh!" That means "holy Sabbath." All the classrooms would erupt with "Shabbos Kodesh!" The powers that be went crazy at this and tried to stamp … Continue reading

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I’m Going Mainstream

From my JDate profile: "I have big goals and dreams. I’ve achieved some of them. I love that I’m a go-getter. I’m hopefully going to be doing more mainstream stuff. I’ve got an acting coach and a singing coach… Also, … Continue reading

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