Daily Archives: July 23, 2007

Ostracizing Jews Who Marry Out

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes in the Jerusalem Post: Noah Feldman was a brilliant, Orthodox Jewish Rhodes scholar who arrived in Oxford in my fourth year as rabbi there in 1992. We quickly hit it off. For one thing, there was … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Times Dust-Up

Here’s day one of our debate. "What is the difference between news and gossip? Is the distinction changing? All this week, blogger Luke Ford and KTLA reporter Eric Spillman debate ethics, credibility and high-profile snafus in the changing media environment." … Continue reading

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Antonio thanks officials for silence on marital scandal

Rick Orlov writes in the Daily News: First there was the Redemption Tour. Now, it’s gratitude time. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is making the rounds among elected officials these days thanking them for not taking any shots at him … Continue reading

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Bloggers take aim at city governments — and hit home

From The Los Angeles Times: These muckraking bloggers say they have stepped in to fill the government watchdog vacuum. Some are anonymous, others are scurrilous and, on occasion, possibly libelous. And to local politicians, most are a royal pain in … Continue reading

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Setting Back The Cause Of Black People 100 Years

Sister Fister writes: "Whoever put this video together, thank you for setting your race of people back 100 years." Tritone posts: It’s trying to promote self-improvement. Indeed for many of us, the "advice" in this vid is just common sense: … Continue reading

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