Setting Back The Cause Of Black People 100 Years

Sister Fister writes: "Whoever put this video together, thank you for setting your race of people back 100 years."

Tritone posts:

It’s trying to promote self-improvement. Indeed for many of us, the "advice" in this vid is just common sense: E.g. – brush your teeth, read books, wear deodorant, own things instead of rent, take care of your kids.

But you’d be surprised (or maybe not) at how many of our black male youths don’t really have a caring authority figure to teach them these life lessons. This video attempts to reach them at "their level". It does come off as a bit condescending and presumptuous, though. The rather generic name of "black people" is off-putting as well because the audience it is targeting is a specific type of black person – namely young black males growing up "urban ghetto" style without fathers, rules, or discipline. 

William posts: "…[I]t is tragic that so many blacks are passionate about embracing a deplorable history of hardship, misfortune, and forced illiteracy as their "heritage". You don’t see young Jewish teens running out and getting numbers tattooed on their arms – "Jus’ keepin’ it real Shlomo!" – so why do so many blacks take perverse pride in a legacy of poverty and ignorance?"

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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