Daily Archives: July 8, 2007

The case for mistrusting Muslims

Theodore Dalrymple writes in The Los Angeles Times: Mistrust of Muslims in Britain has developed quite quickly and could develop much further. In my youth, I traveled extensively in the Muslim world and lived for a time in Africa with … Continue reading

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Horndog Mayor Has Hillary In Bind

From RadarOnline: It isn’t only Antonio Villaraigosa‘s political rivals who are gleeful over the Los Angeles mayor’s extramarital exploits. Democratic presidential hopefuls not named Hillary Clinton are snickering at how one of the party frontrunner’s most coveted supporters has suddenly … Continue reading

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Captivity – The Movie, The Party

A source writes: Party mentioned in LA Times today. Good news: every single major publication in America that has a west coast correspondent is trying to get into the Captivity party. Bad news: Every d list actor/musician/model/hooker/whatever is also trying … Continue reading

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