Daily Archives: July 8, 2007

Audit, Schmaudit! Spend The $178 Million Per Year On Police, Not “Gang Programs!”

Walter Moore writes July 8: Today the Los Angeles City Council authorized an expenditure of $500,000 of your money to “audit and gauge the effectiveness of” dozens of so-called “anti-gang” programs on which they already spend $178 million of your … Continue reading

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Who’s The Woman On Antonio’s Security Detail?

ERSNews.com broke this story July 3: "“He’s now dating one of the members of his LAPD protective detail,” this source revealed." Adriana posts: "Here’s the latest I heard from inside sources — the Mayor has been dating a woman on … Continue reading

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Just like his father, Villaraigosa’s family life falls apart

Chris Weinkopf writes: By now, everyone knows the story: Antonio fell in love, got married, settled down and had children. He named the boy for himself – Antonio Jr. But Antonio’s interests and his heart lay elsewhere. Eventually, he left … Continue reading

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The Trouble With Antonio

Earl Ofari Hutchinson writes: …Villaraigosa set himself up for the massive and intrusive peep that his revelation into his personal life has triggered. He has reveled in the oftentimes slavish adoration of the media. He has turned his office into … Continue reading

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A Woman Scorned

Mariel Garza writes: IF this were an ancient Greek tragedy, Corina Villaraigosa would be plotting her revenge on her philandering husband, something perhaps involving poisoned golden robes or a visit from a giant with one eye. No such luck for … Continue reading

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