Monthly Archives: July 2007

Mayor Denies Getting Questions In Advance

Eric Longabardi reports: ERSNews has exclusively obtained e-mails documenting that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was receiving written questions in advance, sometimes days in advance, before television interviews that were conducted on the Univision Los Angeles based television station KMEX-TV34. … Continue reading

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Villaraigosa spokesperson Diana Rubio Leaves Her Job

I don’t know if it was related to yesterday’s scoop about Univision feeding the mayor questions in advance of his appearances on their station’s show "On Your Side." Univision is conducting an investigation to see who leaked to Longabardi. … Continue reading

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Villaraigosa Heckled at Transportation Meeting

Eric Spillman blogs: A heckler ripped into Mayor Villaraigosa at today’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority meeting, suggesting that he get therapy for his "sex addiction." It happened during the public comment period.  A man named John Walsh, who attends most MTA … Continue reading

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Reporting Shades Of Truth

From How should media organizations deal with assertions by public figures that they know or strongly suspect to be deceptive? All this week, blogger Luke Ford and KTLA reporter Eric Spillman debate ethics, credibility and high-profile snafus in the … Continue reading

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‘Americanism’ – The Most Disappointing Book I’ve Read This Year

I heard David Gelernter interviewed on Dennis Prager’s radio show. It was a dull listen but the title of his new book intrigued me, "Americanism: The Fourth Great Religion." I read it yesterday and it was a waste of time. … Continue reading

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