Monthly Archives: July 2007

Suspending Telemundo’s Star

Mickey Kaus writes: "Telemundo finally has someone everybody wants to see! So of course they … take her off the air. Estupido MSM. … What’s wrong with an hour Mirthala Salinas special? They could add bilingual subtitles for the millions … Continue reading

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Mayor’s girlfriend is placed on leave

From Telemundo took the action while it investigates whether anchor Mirthala Salinas breached journalistic ethics by having a relationship with Antonio Villaraigosa. …Salinas was missing from her anchor chair on the 6 p.m. newscast the last two nights, but … Continue reading

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Who’s Afraid Of Lashon Hara?

Jewish Journal’s Brad E. Greenberg writes: Lashon hara is Hebrew for "evil tongue," which I imagine looks something like a serpent’s. It is forbidden in Judaism not just to gossip, but to say anything that might hurt another person, even … Continue reading

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‘Which Part Of The Term ‘Illegal Alien’ Don’t You Understand?’

From The Los Angeles Times profile of Tom Tancredo: Tancredo’s immigration prescription is simple. First, secure the borders, doing whatever it takes. Build a fence — or two or three — along the perimeter with Canada and Mexico. Station armed … Continue reading

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Interviewed By CNN

The show is American Morning. The topic? Is there a public interest in reporting on the sex lives of politicians? I taped my interview at 6 a.m. Thursday with host Betty Nguyen. I don’t know when it will air. I … Continue reading

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