Monthly Archives: July 2007

Antonio’s New Girlfriend Outed?

From MayorSam: After we disclosed a tip that claimed the Mayor had yet another girlfriend, this time a Korean "developer," the blogopshere fired up to try to out the alleged individual. This time the usual wags, a blogger, another blogger … Continue reading

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YULA Moving Left

It got rid of AGUDAH rabbis Becker and Landesman and hiring in the Modern Orthodox Zionist Mizrachi mold. More about YULA. How many children go to Rabbi Shalom Tendler‘s new school Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok? Rabbi Steven Weil is sending a … Continue reading

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Mirthala Salinas In Trouble With Telemundo

Bob Armstrong writes: I got wind of the LA cherry bomb explosion on Independence Day when I saw the blog post on Slate by Mickey Kaus noting that the LA Times was scooped by “lone blogger” Luke Ford who blew … Continue reading

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Mayor’s Friend & Design Innovator Sabrina Kay

From a UCLA website: "Korean born Sabrina Kay has been surrounded by the fashion industry her entire life. She was only 19 when her family immigrated to America, and despite language barriers and being a single mother, Sabrina has become … Continue reading

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Did Mirthala Salinas Leak The News She Was Having An Affair With The Mayor?

From MayorSam: The story goes that the "girlfriend" of a particular member of the City Council has "disclosed" that it was none other than Mirthala Salinas herself who allegedly leaked news of the affair she was having with the Mayor. … Continue reading

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