Monthly Archives: July 2007

Sabrina Kay Has A Big Penis

Planning commissioner Sabrina Kay has a list of inspiring quotes on her website including this: "Most guys can’t ask you out because your pe**s is much bigger than the most. " Author: Jeff Leve – an advice for Sabrina on … Continue reading

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T.J. Simers Is No Fan Of Blogs

The Los Angeles Times columnist was interviewed by the Daily Bruin: DB: Do you follow sports blogs? Simers: Are you kidding me? Why would I follow a sports blog? That’s some guy in his basement who has never interviewed an … Continue reading

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Women To Watch

Possible mayor’s girls in addition to Mirthala Salinas and Sabrina Kay and Cecile Ablack: Tina Choi, planning commissioner Unnamed Deputy on mayor’s security detail Cynthia Ruiz (president of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles) Celine … Continue reading

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We’re All Journalists Now

I read four good books over Shabbos: * We’re All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age by Scott Gant. From Publishers Weekly: "In his first book, Gant, a law partner … Continue reading

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Audit, Schmaudit! Spend The $178 Million Per Year On Police, Not “Gang Programs!”

Walter Moore writes July 8: Today the Los Angeles City Council authorized an expenditure of $500,000 of your money to “audit and gauge the effectiveness of” dozens of so-called “anti-gang” programs on which they already spend $178 million of your … Continue reading

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