Monthly Archives: July 2007

Things I Heard From My High School Principal

From Going on the internet is like eating pig. (I never knew pig was kosher.) Movies in Hebrew spells maves– death. A girl who listens to the radio can not possibly have a close connection with Hashem and daven … Continue reading

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The Lovers Of Mirthala Salinas

Eric Longabardi said on John and Ken’s KFI show last week that Telemundo reporter/anchor Mirthala Salinas (the mayor’s girlfriend) had an affair with yet another Los Angeles  politician (not named) and El Piolin (Eduardo Sotelin), L.A.’s most listened-to radio host … Continue reading

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The Limits Of Orthodox Theology

Failed Messiah blogs: The new Jewish Action, a quarterly publication of the supposedly Modern Orthodox OU, has a hit piece written by Rabbi Zev Leff. The target of Rabbi Leff’s hit? Professor Marc B. Shapiro’s now-three-year-old book, The Limits of … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Spanish Language News Media Is A Joke

The primary point of my initial (Jan. 29) report on the mayor’s defunct marriage was to highlight L.A.’s lazy news media (particularly The Los Angeles Times). Now that the mayor’s scandal has broken wide open, which news media is the … Continue reading

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Eric Longabardi posts: ERSNews has learned that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and his "girlfriend" Mirthala Salinas have secretly met since the scandal broke nearly two weeks ago. The most recent meeting taking place late last week. The meeting involved the Mayor … Continue reading

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