Monthly Archives: July 2007

Bank Financial Scandal Brewing

A source says: A financial scandal is brewing that the LA Times, as usual, is slow to pick up. It goes like this. When you have an adjustable rate mortgage, your payment is initially fixed, let’s say at $2500 a … Continue reading

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Damage Control

Danielle Berrin blogs: Francesca Lia Block told the audience the reading would be difficult for her because her story was so personal. In it, she revealed a deep shame over her appearance and the botched plastic surgeries that worsened her … Continue reading

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Annulling A Conversion

From the Jerusalem Post: In February, Ashdod Rabbinic Court judge Rabbi Avraham Atia issued a ruling that shocked many outside the rabbinic establishment. Basing his verdict on the fact that a woman who came to him seeking to divorce her … Continue reading

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What do you think about during shmona esray [Judaism’s main prayer]?

From FrumSatire: Jacob posts: "I always wander off and start thinking about hot babes. Before ya know it, I’m finished and commence doing the 3 step backup." Not Frum posts: "I look around and wait till at least three people … Continue reading

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Do you have SADD (shul attention deficit disorder)?

From FrumSatire: You have read the shull announcement sheet 5 times, but still guard it against any folks who seek to borrow it; You hoard those torah email sheets from the OU and random places in Monsey so you have … Continue reading

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