Monthly Archives: June 2007

Dennis Prager Makes The Case For Marriage

Prager, divorced twice, has the following posted on his website for the third hour of his Tuesday show: "It’s June, the month of weddings, so it’s the perfect time for Dennis to do what he does better than anyone … Continue reading

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Ben Silverman – The Party Animal Who Will Save NBC?

I worked as an assistant to Ben Silverman (the new co-chief of the NBC network and television studio) at the William Morris talent agency in July of 1997. He was always courteous. He was friendly. He was easy to work … Continue reading

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Deriding Israel’s Christian Supporters

Jason Maoz writes in The Jewish Press: The Monitor’s oft-stated rule of thumb is that when a reporter quotes unnamed sources, those sources invariably buttress the reporter’s own viewpoint and agenda. Case in point: James D. Besser, the Washington correspondent … Continue reading

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My Shabbat Dinner With Alec Baldwin And Dennis Prager

A couple of hours ago, I had a dream that I had Friday night dinner at Alec Baldwin’s house along with about 60 other people. Dennis Prager gave a gracious speech noting that many would find the dinner on the … Continue reading

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I Had The Brainy Quote Of The Day On Google

May 25. Quote of the Day – Luke Ford – "Everything we do affects other people." Here are some more of my bon mots.

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