Monthly Archives: May 2007

The Orthodox Rabbi Who Wrote For NAMBLA

Vicki Polin emails: Dr. Alan Horowitz became a rabbi after he became a convicted sex offender.  As part of rehabilitation and while on probation, Alan Horowitz was court ordered to attended classes at Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Monsey, NY.  It … Continue reading

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Joel Grishaver Molests Little Boys

As #Nasser gets his sentencing I can't help but reminded of #joelgrishaver and all the young boys he touched inappropriately. And i thank @lukeford for being the only one to publish the truth. — TrumpRimsChuck (@KushnerThe) January 24, 2018 Joel … Continue reading

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Jen X – American Rebel

I ran into her at an party near LAX Sunday night. Her real name is Angela Rodriguez. She’s tall, busty, covered with tattoos and shows the signs of an enormous amount of plastic surgery. She debuted on YouTube this six-minute … Continue reading

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Jewish Lit Dying?

Monica Osborne writes for In his review of Michael Chabon’s new novel The Yiddish Policemen’s Union and Nathan Englander’s The Ministry of Special Cases, William Deresiewicz says of the state of American Judaism: My own experience tells me that American Judaism has long … Continue reading

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Today I Am 41

Chaim Amalek writes: "It seems just a year and a day ago that Luke was a late-blooming man in his thirties, being feted at certain high status establishments and/or sponsored in certain influential social circles by various influential cougars. Sadly, … Continue reading

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