Monthly Archives: April 2007

Baltimore Roiled by Abuse Charge Against Late Rabbi

Nathan Guttman writes in the Forward: Baltimore – A series of exposés on sexual abuse at a well-known yeshiva is roiling the Baltimore Jewish community and inflaming the already strained relations between the local Jewish newspaper and the city’s sizable … Continue reading

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My Favorite Alana Newhouse Photos

Picture Picture Picture Picture with Daniel Treiman and Nathaniel Popper. That’s what I hope to look like after my surgery (thanks Azamat). Alana’s the Arts and Culture Editor of the Forward and the Editor of this new hardcover — A … Continue reading

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Professor Marc B. Shapiro Interviewed In The Jewish Press

Here’s an excerpt: Rabbi Weinberg raised the possibility that perhaps the way Jews treat non-Jews contributes to anti-Semitism. He no doubt had in mind things such as how the Jew treated the Polish peasant and wondered if this didn‚Äôt have … Continue reading

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Plagiarism In Turbulent Times

Eva writes: I write this after looking through a book by Rabbi Dov Brezak titled Chinuch in Turbulent Times. As I was reading through it, I noticed countless stories and analogies that looked very familiar. Then I realized why. Stephen … Continue reading

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A Guide To Yeshivot

Eva writes: Peakskille and Riverdale: quote and quote has a good name- which is only believed by the people who go there. Extremely elitist snotty yeshiva- it’s mostly wealthy people who are wannabe yeshivish. You can see these boys all … Continue reading

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