Monthly Archives: March 2007

Shalhevet Ousts Founder Jerry Friedman?

Friedman led the school for years and contributed much of its funding. There was a contentious board meeting last week at Shalhevet, the most left-wing of L.A.’s Orthodox day schools. The upshot? Friedman walked away from the school. He’s been … Continue reading

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A Final Word On Bugs

A Modern Orthodox rabbi writes: Before Purim I described specific procedures for inspecting leaf vegetables and floreted vegetables. The other items that, based on their infestation levels, require inspection, are strawberries, raspberries, asparagus, and celery. The common-sense methods are described … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Debates Michael Berenbaum

Russell Wardlow blogs about the March 5 U.J. program: Prager, though I respect him, is constantly frustrating on questions like these in that he seems to refuse following the implications of his beliefs to their logical conclusions. Berenbaum actually went … Continue reading

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L.A. Press Club Hosts Immigration Panel Discussion

Here’s the audio from Thursday night. Photos: Yes, Virginia, there is a Conan Nolan. Jon Fleischman and Daniel Hernandez don’t see eye to eye, but, thanks to Dr. Conan Nolan, they are able to share their feelings. Publicist Edward Headington … Continue reading

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Un-Orthodox Jew Goes After Rabbi Shalom Tendler

Un-Orthodox Jew blogs March 5:

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