Monthly Archives: February 2007

Why Doesn’t Anybody Write About The Chaotic Private Life Of Art Torres?

Former Eastside State Senator Art Torres, the current chair of the California Democratic Party, busted up his marriage back in the early 1990s over a series of affairs with gay men up north. Torres had several DUI busts, including one … Continue reading

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When Is The Right Time To Cheat On Your Wife?

Terri emails: "I would give you s*** about this story ‚Äì except for the fact that the mayor has admitted to having an affair WHILE HIS WIFE WAS UNDERGOING CANCER TREATMENT. What a scumbag." What better time is there to … Continue reading

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Mayor Responds To This Blog

Kevin Roderick parses the Times article. It’s the first time I recall the Los Angeles mayor reacting to a blog report. I was on KFI’s John & Ken Show Friday afternoon to discuss the story.

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Who’s signing up for the stake-out?

Daniel Hernandez blogs: "Nothing makes you feel like you live in an exciting city [more] than local scandals involving power and sex."

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I Rescue The Seventh-Day Adventist Church From Ordaining Women

I posted on Ordaining women will be a disaster for the church. Just look at the results where it has been tried. Men will drop out of religion unless special roles are reserved for them. Women are temperamentally more … Continue reading

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