Monthly Archives: January 2007

Transsexual Israeli Singer Aderet

A reader writes: "She was born male and even served in the army. As a transsexual she decided to go through corrective sugary. She grew up in Jerusalem in a Frum family and as a young boy sang with her … Continue reading

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No Interview With Joel Grishaver

I sent the noted author and lecturer an interview request last week and got back this note Jan. 29, 2007: Dear Mr. Ford‚Äî This office is personal legal counsel for Mr. Joel Grishaver. Your email of January 24, 2007, has … Continue reading

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I Have Several People Able To Post Here Now

So unless the article is labeled "By Luke Ford," it is not by me.

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Krinsky letter refers to Rebbe in present tense

Yisroel Pensack emails:

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Antonio Villaraigosa’s Marriage Kaput

The L.A. Times finally deals with this story Feb. 2. I first posted about the mayor’s marriage on the morning of Jan. 29. Kevin Roderick writes Feb. 2: Apparently responding to blogger Luke Ford’s allegation that the Villaraigosas had split … Continue reading

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