Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Have Several People Able To Post Here Now

So unless the article is labeled "By Luke Ford," it is not by me.

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I Want A Book Party For Brian Doherty’s Latest

I Want A Book Party For Brian Doherty‘s Latest – Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement. This is an important book and it deserves a soiree with lots of hot women. I’m thinking the … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Jewish Events

Fred emails: "Are you on this LAJE list? It is put out weekly by Reuven (formerly Rob) Kershberg, a member of Anshe Emes. I love the personal story below and the reminders of his dead grandmother’s frumkeit, as if the … Continue reading

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Area Rabbi’s Dinner Out Sparks Rumors Of CEO Bid

Area Rabbi’s Dinner Out Sparks Rumors Of CEO Bid LOS ANGELES, CA ‚Äì Rumors are swirling among Orthodox insiders that the Weil family supper last night at Pats, site of the first Orthodox Union primary, was, in fact, an attempt … Continue reading

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There’s More To Pico-Robertson Than Our Acclaimed Escorts

There’s More To Pico-Robertson Than Our Acclaimed Escorts Sure, our escorts have won every major award and their reputation is unrivaled in the Los Angeles Orthodox community, but there’s only so much time you can spend with a prostitute before … Continue reading

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