Daily Archives: January 20, 2007

Orthodox Response To Dennis Prager’s O.U. Talk

Orthodox Response To Dennis Prager’s O.U. Talk Beth Jacob hosts a panel discussion Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. between Rabbi Shalom Tendler, Rabbi Asher Brander and Rabbi Daniel Korobkin responding to Prager’s recent critiques of Orthodox Judaism.

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Early Political Notes

Chaim Amalek emails: Doesn’t Hillary Clinton look strong? I’m impressed that just hours into her campaign, her people have already essentially poisoned Obama’s chances by reminding the public that he is the son of a muslim and may in fact … Continue reading

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I Want A Book Party For Brian Doherty’s Latest

I Want A Book Party For Brian Doherty‘s Latest – Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement. This is an important book and it deserves a soiree with lots of hot women. I’m thinking the … Continue reading

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Jesse Kellerman Talks About His Life And New Novel At Robertson Branch Library

Jesse Kellerman Talks About His Life And New Novel At Robertson Branch Library name wav file Audio 1 .wav Audio 2 .wav Jesse said this used to be his library as he grew up in the neighborhood (but has lived … Continue reading

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The Prager Perspective (Scott Webley) Vs. Dennis Prager

The Prager Perspective (Scott Webley) Vs. Dennis Prager I shelled out $4.75 to search "Dennis Prager" on the L.A. Superior Court website and found nine cases. Here’s Dennis Prager (Aug. 6, 2006) vs. The Prager Perspective. Here’s the TPP cross-complaint … Continue reading

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