Category Archives: UCLA

Alexandra Wallace Was Planning A Blog

The UCLA Daily Bruin reports. The Sacramento Bee reports: The UCLA student whose anti-Asian video rant garnered millions of views online and intense backlash appears to have had aspirations of creating similar videos as part of a blog. Shortly after … Continue reading

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Ching chong ling long ting tong – Blonde Chick Complains About Noisy Asians In UCLA Library

Watch the whole show: The UCLA Daily Bruin reports. Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I’m with you and Rabbs. I believe Alexandra Wallace is being discriminated against because she’s cute, white, and has the temerity to believe that UCLA is … Continue reading

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The Moral Confusion About UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace

UCLA junior and hot blonde model Alexandra Wallace posted a video on Friday complaining about noisy Asians in the library. She did not advocate treating Asians badly. She just complained about the manners of the Asians in the library and … Continue reading

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Alexandra Wallace Apologizes For Her Asians in the Library Video

The UCLA Daily Bruin reports: Wallace contacted university police early Sunday evening after receiving numerous death threats via e-mail and phone, said UCPD spokeswoman Nancy Greenstein. Police advised her to take a number of precautions and are currently working to … Continue reading

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UCLA Condemns Video By Hot Blonde Alexandra Wallace Criticizing Asians

I went to UCLA. I think we called it “United Caucasians Lost Among Asians.” Chaim Amalek emails: “There are other currents running beneath this rant, namely, the war between the White Bimbo and the Yellowoman for the affections and wealth … Continue reading

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