Category Archives: Pico/Robertson

My Next Challenge – Making People Feel Safe

A friend says: "I think the banning is more because they want members to feel safe. It’s not that they think you are a physical threat but people are worried what you might write about them. It’s something for you … Continue reading

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Would You Like To Shake My Lulav?

When I came to Los Angeles in 1994, I was hosted several times for Shabbat and holiday meals by a nice Orthodox family in Pico-Robertson. Then, due to the raunchy nature of my blogging, the invites ceased. In the summer … Continue reading

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"I had lunch with these great people," said my friend. "You know them. They seem to have it all. They seem to have a great marriage. They have a beautiful home. They have beautiful children. They have a great dog. … Continue reading

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Should One Say Gut Shabbos To A Member Of The Opposite Sex Who You Don’t Know?

In my experience, saying "Gut Shabbos" to a member of the opposite sex who you don’t know too often leads to the grossest forms of immorality. As I walk down Pico Blvd on a Shabbos, I only say hello to … Continue reading

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Name Those Who Study Torah In Pico-Robertson

I’m talking about people who study it every day in the original. And I am not talking about rabbis or anybody who gets paid to study Torah. There are three at Bnai David-Judea (about 430 member families) — Shep Rosenman, … Continue reading

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