Category Archives: Conservative Judaism

An UnOrthodox Dip In The Mikveh

From the Jerusalem Post: The Orthodox establishment’s ban on non-Orthodox converts and brides using state-funded mikvaot (ritual baths) is a desecration of God’s name, Rabbi Barry Schlesinger, the newly reelected president of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement’s Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, … Continue reading

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My First Synagogue Home

I’d been to other synagogues, but Ohev Shalom in Orlando, Florida, was the first one I called home. I was a regular there during my eight months in town (from Aug. 1993 to March 1994). For most of that time, … Continue reading

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Jack Wertheimer Is Back

Rabbi Eytan Kobre writes for Cross-Currents: …JTS’s Jack Wertheimer is back on the attack against the non-Orthodox, this time with What Does Reform Judaism Stand For? in this month’s Commentary. Something must be done about that man, if only by … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Orthodox Shuls Ever Start Their Shuvuot Learning Before 11 PM?

Some of us need our beauty sleep. Conservative shuls know how to do Shuvuot right. They tend to start around 9 pm. Beth Am on La Cienega and Olympic Blvds has a dynamic program.

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I Plan, Sherre Laughs

So a couple of weeks ago, the publicist for Rabbi Sherre Hirsch’s first book, We Plan, God Laughs, invited me to email in questions for the rabbi. I did. Five days later, the publicist emails me to say that the … Continue reading

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