Category Archives: Christianity

How Do You Show Someone You Truly Love Him?

I think it is clear to me that the only convincing way to show somebody that you love him is to sacrifice your child. You call your friend over and then you point out your child hanging on a cross … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book

I wonder if this book and these three articles will now become required reading for animal lab technicians and researchers at Yale University and graduate students at Columbia University.

Posted in Academia, Aish HaTorah, Animals, Books, Christianity, Crime, Education, Intermarriage, Judaism, Weddings, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book

Yisroel Pensack: Dead Rebbe As Mashiach

I was invited to a wedding and reception for the son of a San Francisco Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi/shaliach.

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My Ambivalence About Robert Novak

I read Novak’s enormous memoir. We agreed on most things, but not about things Jewish. Bob Novak was a relentless critic of Israel. Why? From Meanwhile, much of the Jewish pundit class has treated news of Novak’s passing delicately. … Continue reading

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‘You can have Jesus or Dan Brown. But you can

Joe emails: “Sounds like a plot synopsis for a gay movie. Also, the whole argument doesn

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