Category Archives: Blacks

Hillel students join Amherst protest against alleged bias on campus

The coalition of the fringe unites against the core. Contrary to myth, Jews and blacks have rarely had much to do with each other, you can’t find two peoples more different, but on occasion, radicals in both groups join in … Continue reading

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Chilling new video shows black teen student wearing gloves as he stalks his beautiful white smiling high school math teacher to the restroom ‘before brutally raping and murdering her’

DailyMail: Philip Chism, 16, is charged with murdering his ninth-grade math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24, in October 2013 when he was 14 Chism refused to go back into the courtroom Tuesday saying he was ‘about to explode’ – causing court … Continue reading

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First a database, then deportation

It seems like commonsense to me that you want to track closely people who are likely to hate you. If this happens, if Muslims are rounded up for deportation, how many Jews will risk their lives to shelter Muslims in … Continue reading

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Seventh-Day Adventists

* To be more politically corrected, a friend of mine, whenever he wants to complain about blacks, instead substitutes “Seventh-Day Adventist” as in, “A Seventh-Day Adventist was trying to steal my car stereo when I…” Or, “A group of Seventh-Day … Continue reading

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Whites Fight Back Against Anti-White Hostility

I hardly think Jews would take the crap that whites accept on a daily basis. A group that is too cowardly to take its own side in a fight probably doesn’t deserve to survive. From the Washington Post: A Facebook … Continue reading

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