Chilling new video shows black teen student wearing gloves as he stalks his beautiful white smiling high school math teacher to the restroom ‘before brutally raping and murdering her’


Philip Chism, 16, is charged with murdering his ninth-grade math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24, in October 2013 when he was 14
Chism refused to go back into the courtroom Tuesday saying he was ‘about to explode’ – causing court to end an hour earlier than scheduled
On Wednesday Chism told the judge he wanted to be present in the courtroom during the proceedings
Jurors watched surveillance video of Chism following Ritzer into a bathroom while putting his gloves on
Video also shows Chism walking down the hallway with what appears to be blood on his hand – another clip has him carrying her pants
Chism’s trial began Monday in Salem, Massachusetts
Defense attorney Denise Regan admitted Chism killed his teacher ‘but only because he was plagued by a severe and untreated mental illness’
However the prosecution said Chism killed with ‘terrible purpose’, arriving with a knife and box cutter and killing, raping and robbing Ritzer

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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