First a database, then deportation

It seems like commonsense to me that you want to track closely people who are likely to hate you.

If this happens, if Muslims are rounded up for deportation, how many Jews will risk their lives to shelter Muslims in their home?

If there’s a genocide against blacks in America, how many Jews will risk their lives to shelter them?

I’m drawing up a list of righteous Jews who risked their lives without pay to save goyim.

Chaim Amalek: “Jesus risked his life without any recompense to save the souls of every goy then alive or who would be alive in the future. He let the Romans crucify him so that he might spare the goyim from hell. And as the son of a Jewish woman, he was himself a Jew. Does that count?”

Miriam Lilian D Or: “The first person on the list must be Levi- Luke Ford. Always looking out for others, like a beacon of light to the goyim. He also sacrifices his nation by pointing out the misbehaving Jews that he exposes on his blog.”

NEWTON, Iowa (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has voiced support for creating a mandatory database to track Muslims in the United States – the latest in an escalating series of responses following the deadly attacks in Paris.

“I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,” Trump told an NBC News reporter between campaign events Thursday in Newton, Iowa, according to video posted on

He said Muslims would be signed up at “different places,” adding, “It’s all about management.”

Asked whether registering would be mandatory, Trump responded, “They have to be.”

The latest comments come less than a week after the deadly attacks on a concert hall, sports stadium and restaurants in Paris that have elevated fears of attacks in in the U.S. and prompted calls for new restrictions on Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn country.

While some of his rivals have been chastised by President Barack Obama for suggesting that Christian Syrian refugees be given preference over Muslims, Trump has gone further in his rhetoric, advocating new restrictions on civil liberties and enhanced surveillance activities, including inside mosques.

He said earlier this week that the country was “going to have no choice” but to close certain mosques because “really bad things are happening, and they’re happening fast.”

The first reference to the database idea came in an interview with Yahoo News published earlier Thursday in which the billionaire real estate mogul did not reject the idea of requiring Muslims to register in a database or giving them special identification cards noting their religion.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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