Category Archives: Judaism

I Discuss Evolution Vs. Genesis

I was on Marc Germain‘s radio show last night. I tell Marc that the first few chapters of Genesis should not be taken literally. Then Marc stumps me: "Which parts of the Bible should we take literally?" From my live … Continue reading

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Marty Turkel Memorial Service

Thursday morning I skip my three hours of Alexander Technique class and drive east on I-10, east on the 60, north on the 605, east on the 210 to White’s Funeral Home in Azusa and gather with dying members of … Continue reading

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Purim Begins Monday Night

Three Orthodox rabbis Hershel Billet, Kalman Topp, Aaron Glatt)  sent out this letter: Dear Friends As you well know, we are in the midst of a financial crisis unprecedented during our lifetimes. As a community we must take stock of … Continue reading

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She Feels Disconnected From Judaism

I was talking to a frum-from-birth friend the other day who feel "disconnected" from Judaism. She’s not davening every day, she’s not saying blessings all the time when she eats, she’s not learning Torah regularly and she’s not attending shul … Continue reading

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Does Judaism Sanction Journalism?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Eliezer Melamed is active with Arutz Sheva and is the rabbi of the weekly newspaper Be-Sheva (link). In one of his columns (13 Tammuz, 5765/ July 20, 2005), he responded to a question about … Continue reading

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