Category Archives: Judaism

Modesty In Blogging

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Regarding tzeni’us, however, I find the question perceptive. Tzeni’us is not just about how much skin a woman is showing. As R. Jack Abramowitz writes, in his recently published The Tzniyus Book (pp. 19-20): Literally, tzniyus … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: David Brooks Punctures the Media’s Politically Correct Balloon Regarding Major Nidal Malik Hasan

David Brooks writes in The New York Times:   The most important power we have is the power to help select the lens through which we see reality.  Most people select stories that lead toward cooperation and goodness. But over the … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Islam, Journalism, Judaism, Murder, New York Times, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: David Brooks Punctures the Media’s Politically Correct Balloon Regarding Major Nidal Malik Hasan

Yisroel Pensack: Britain’s Top Court Grapples with “Who Is A Jew?” and “Who Decides?”

The New York Times reports:  On the surface, the court was considering a straightforward challenge to the admissions policy of a Jewish high school in London. But the case, in which arguments concluded Oct. 30, has potential repercussions for thousands … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, England, Judaism, New York Times, Orthodoxy, Religion, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Britain’s Top Court Grapples with “Who Is A Jew?” and “Who Decides?”

Christian Church In San Mateo Welcomes A Rabbi In Residence

I remember Dennis Prager saying that every synagogue should have a sister church. Wow, the Orthodox did not react too well to that idea. From the San Mateo County Times: SAN MATEO — Religious tolerance is no longer enough. In … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary

I’ve been keeping a journal since July 15, 2009. Here are some excerpts: July 15. I met a new friend in yoga. She’s tall and meaty. I like her body. I like how fit and flexible she is. She meditates … Continue reading

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