Category Archives: Judaism

My Judaism

I could happily go the rest of my life without listening to another Jew yammer on about “my Judaism.” If a Jew does not want to practice Judaism, fine, just don’t go talking about “my Judaism” if you are going … Continue reading

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How Do You Convert To Judaism If You Are Painfully Shy?

When you convert to Judaism, you not only are converting to a religion and to a way of life, you are converting to a specific people with strong genetic ties to each other. The single most important challenge in converting … Continue reading

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The Sabbath For Christians

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. The “Adventist” part of the name means they believe in imminent arrival of Jesus Christ. The “Seventh-Day” part means they observe the Sabbath from Friday night to Saturday night. But what does “observe” mean? … Continue reading

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God, Orthodox Judaism, And The Rabbis

John Updike wrote in his novel SEEK MY FACE: “Or perhaps, if she is Jewish, she is unable to put the question of God quite the way a Christian would put it, in urgent terms of either/or. For the chosen … Continue reading

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A Christian Challenge From My Dad

A Christian theologian who happens to be my father emails me: You would have become (or could be) a great lawyer. I am sure you have won many arguments over the years. You should be prepared for the following arguments: … Continue reading

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