Category Archives: Adventist

Seventh-Day Adventists

* To be more politically corrected, a friend of mine, whenever he wants to complain about blacks, instead substitutes “Seventh-Day Adventist” as in, “A Seventh-Day Adventist was trying to steal my car stereo when I…” Or, “A group of Seventh-Day … Continue reading

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Ben Carson’s Church Believes the U.S. Government Will Team Up With the Antichrist

Jay Michaelson writes: Ben Carson’s church believes the United States government will bring about the End Times. According to mainstream Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, the Second Coming of Christ will occur after the U.S. government teams up with the Catholic Church—which … Continue reading

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Unspoken Family Rules

The most powerful rules in my home as a child were: * Live according to God’s dictates (which were no different from dad’s dictates). * Do nothing to discredit or diminish God/dad’s ministry. * Do nothing illegal or unseemly. * … Continue reading

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Trump Vs Carson

Don posts: “Luke: If it comes down to Ben Carson for the Republicans and Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, who will get your vote? Do you agree with Donald Trump that Carson is unfit to be President because of his … Continue reading

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NYT: Ben Carson Puts Spotlight on Seventh-Day Adventists

When I converted to Judaism in 1993, my dad reacted by saying, “Well, they [the Jews] are certainly not like the Adventists — out there proselytizing.” From the New York Times: The Adventist legacy is rooted in the 19th century … Continue reading

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