Category Archives: Adventist

Life In A Tribe

The tribal approach to life emphasizes your group over outsiders. When Jews are in trouble, such as when they were kidnapped for ransom in the Middle Ages in Crete etc, fellow Jews would rally around and ransom them while Christians … Continue reading

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The Sabbath For Christians

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. The “Adventist” part of the name means they believe in imminent arrival of Jesus Christ. The “Seventh-Day” part means they observe the Sabbath from Friday night to Saturday night. But what does “observe” mean? … Continue reading

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God, Orthodox Judaism, And The Rabbis

John Updike wrote in his novel SEEK MY FACE: “Or perhaps, if she is Jewish, she is unable to put the question of God quite the way a Christian would put it, in urgent terms of either/or. For the chosen … Continue reading

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You Can Ring My Bell

When’s disco coming back? I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. Disco was a sin. I came to California from Australia in May of 1977. I was 11 years of age. I think it was the summer of 1978 when I … Continue reading

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My Addictive Personality

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and in the Church we got many warnings about the perils of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. That was one part of my upbringing that I never rejected (I smoked a few cigarettes in third … Continue reading

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