Category Archives: Whites

Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative?

In his second lecture on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “Los Angeles is being shaped by people running from orthodoxy, fighting over their orthodoxy, hiding their orthodoxy, being creative because of their Judaism, … Continue reading

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Blacks Protest Whites Moving Into Harlem

Are whites allowed to protest when blacks move into their historic neighborhoods? Do only blacks have legitimate interests? Do only whites not have legitimate interests as a group? Notice that as whites move into Harlem, Harlem gets safer. Who would … Continue reading

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Black Nationalism Vs White Nationalism

I went to meet a white nationalist leader the other day and even though he wanted no Jews in his country, he sought out a kosher restaurant for me and when I went to his home, he provided kosher food. … Continue reading

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Are Russians White?

Comment: “Physically they are, but behaviorally there are some differences. Russians, along with many ethnics, tend to be more ethnocentric and less universalist in their thinking than the whiter-people. In this sense they are a little closer to the NAM’s … Continue reading

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Is There A Superior Race?

Philosopher Michael Levin says in 1998 to the question of racial pathology, i.e. that black behavior in the ghetto is pathological: “Very often people will wish to make a negative value judgment about a certain behavior but they think it … Continue reading

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