Category Archives: Whites

LAT: ‘Skills gap’ threatening to impede economic growth in California

LAT: “Other major skills deficits include English language competency, reading comprehension and math, as well as more nebulous qualities such as critical thinking aptitude, professionalism and leadership.” In other words, employers need people with higher IQs. Since California has become … Continue reading

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High Rents Vs More Kids

Are my peers choosing not to breed by picking high rents in safe areas over lower rents in more dangerous places that, still, would leave them with enough money with which to woo and marry and breed with a fertile … Continue reading

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Because Portland Is White

This Washington Post articles fails to mention that Portland has the highest percentage of white people of any American city. That’s the only way it can sustain all these cool quirky collaborative ventures. Imagine public vegetable gardens in the downtown … Continue reading

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Diversity vs Group Continuity

In his third lecture on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “I can’t tell you how important this [Talmud Torah school] was. You have to understand that Wabash Avenue was the center of the … Continue reading

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The Legacy Of South Africa

I was talking to Jewish friends and someone said: Whites surrendered their rule in South Africa (leftist non-Orthodox Jews played a big role in this) even while knowing what they were facing (extinction). Why? Because they let the outside world … Continue reading

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