Category Archives: Addiction

How The Alexander Technique Can Help With Recovery From Addiction

“Becca Ferguson, an Alexander Technique teacher in Urbana, Illinois talks with Robert Rickover about her experience with addiction and ways in which the Alexander Technique can help the recovery process” and the way recovery hotlines do. Becca: “The Alexander Technique … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique And Addiction

When I walk into a 12-step room, I can tell at a glance who’s in the throes of addiction and who’s in recovery. Active addicts are usually pulled down and in on themselves. They stare at the ground. They have … Continue reading

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Working Through The Resentment

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been returning again and again to the Fourth of the Twelve Steps (“making a complete and fearless moral inventory”). A key part of this step is the resentment list. You write out the people … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Turn Your Life Over To God?

The Third of the Twelve Steps says we make a conscious decision to turn our life over to God. It doesn’t say we turn our life over to God. We just decide to turn our life over to God. What … Continue reading

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What’s The Core Of My Story?

The core of my story is how I realized I was addicted to certain kinds of unhealthy relationships, certain kinds of unhealthy fantasies, and how I discovered in five minutes of therapy last April that my fantasies were not only … Continue reading

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