Category Archives: Addiction

Overcoming Under-Earning

I’m listening to Peter give the latest share from the Underearners Anonymous beginners phone meeting on Sundays at 8am PDT: For me not to under-earn today, I have to be bigger than I think I am. My first recording was … Continue reading

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Eroticized Rage

From Neil Strauss’s book The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships: “The payoff of anger is mastery, control, or power,” Lorraine continues. “So the anger makes you feel better and one up. And when you use sex to restore power … Continue reading

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My addiction means I’m rarely present

I had a GF who was hot and smart, but her best quality was her quality of being intensely present. It would disconcerted some people but I loved it. I never had to explain myself to her because she could … Continue reading

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Living in Prosperity

* Prosperous people tend to be prosperous in many parts of their lives while poor people tend to be poor in almost everything. * I had an ex-GF who said just before my 40th birthday: “What do you get for … Continue reading

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Under-Earning As An Addiction

One day this past week, I listened five times to talk #8 from Underearners Anonymous. Every time I listened, I felt like I shed a layer of defensiveness and denial. Pam: My sponsor reminds me that we’re either channeling our … Continue reading

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