Category Archives: Homosexuality

It’s Not A Free Country – eHarmony Forced To Match Gays

Men can no longer gather with men to do good works (through groups such as the Rotary Club). Women sued to be allowed in. Men don’t sue to get into female-only groups. So this destroyed service clubs. The only place … Continue reading

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‘I Can’t Think Straight’

This is a beautiful love story between a Christian Palestinian and an Muslim Indian. It’s gorgeous to look at, like one of the two leads, Lisa Ray. The other lead, Sheetal Sheth, is skinny and awkward, but at least she’s … Continue reading

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Media Tiring Of Prop 8 Protesters

The NJG:  guess the "prop 8" media-whoring protesters got no media coverage today The NJG:  you know what else is funny? The NJG:  all the gay male prop 8 protesters had white hair The NJG:  it’s that hippy generation, they … Continue reading

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Who Will The Gays Picket Next?

The NJG:  white powder sent to mormon temples in Utah, and Los Angeles The NJG: The NJG:  the sites of the protests by The Gays The NJG:  Prop 8 Anger Spurs Donor Blacklists The NJG: The NJG:  we’re … Continue reading

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Where Will The Gays Riot Next?

Joe emails: If you want to know where and when the gays will riot next, this is a great website: It shows who gave money in support (or in opposition) of prop 8. If I were on the list, … Continue reading

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