Category Archives: Health

Need A Doctor?

From LaGriffedulion: Medical school admission is uncommonly competitive, there being many more applicants than slots. The competition is so intense that if black applicants were held to the same admission standards as whites and Asians, we would turn out almost … Continue reading

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Nice Jewish Girls’ Solution To IBS

She writes: I am an overeater. I have Binge Eating Disorder. I am a Stress Eater. And I think I have found a way, finally to help myself. That is to eat carrots. Mind you this hasn’t gone on too … Continue reading

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Treat Sleep Apnea with a Didgeridoo

Given the number of pharmaceutical medications I’m on, I have the most horrendous breath. I’m getting desperate for cures. AOL suggests: Duct tape has hundreds of uses, but apparently researchers at Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine felt that … Continue reading

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State cites safety lapses at Cedars-Sinai

Charles Ornstein writes for the LA Times: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center placed pediatric patients — including the newborn twins of actor Dennis Quaid — in immediate jeopardy of harm by giving them overdoses of the blood thinner heparin, state hospital regulators … Continue reading

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News Host Glenn Beck ‘Fesses Up to Butt Surgery

From AOL: "A few days ago we reported on Glenn Beck’s mysterious surgery and seeming breakdown. Well, the depression and the beard are gone, and good ol’ Glenn was back on the air this week to explain his surgery. And, … Continue reading

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