Category Archives: Personal

In Six Months, I Turn 50

Feeling sentimental, I looked at my blog posts from my 40th birthday: Cathy Seipp writes: Not long ago I was so pleased to find myself linked in the same sentence with Mark Steyn — in John Birmingham’s Sydney Morning Herald … Continue reading

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My Emotional Range

I’m told I have an emotional range between Nazi commandant and a robot. Chaim Amalek: “I’ve met Luke on numerous occasions and in varied settings. This is an act. He is one of the most emotional men I’ve ever met, … Continue reading

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Time & Tension

The two primary causes of unnecessary muscular tension are feeling like you need to hurry (too much to do and not enough time to do it in) and feeling like you have to be perfect. As I was getting some … Continue reading

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What’s the loneliest place in the world? The Puerto Rican Cultural Center.

* Jewish Friend: When my kids were little, I used to say “what’s the best day to go to the Bronx Zoo?” Answer: During the Puerto Rican Day Parade. * Jewish Friend: “You’re very racist today.” Luke: “I wasn’t like … Continue reading

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* My favorite sentence: “Could you look at this and tell me if there are any mistakes?” * I saw this poor little black kid (about 2yo) of a single mom with no teeth, no shoes. I guess he’ll get … Continue reading

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