Category Archives: Personal

Private Luke Vs Public Luke

What are the biggest differences between public Luke and private Luke? Public Luke takes more care to not offend needlessly and to be judicious with his words and deeds. Private Luke usually hates drama, Public Luke often enjoys stirring. Private … Continue reading

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Loneliness & Eccentricity

I spent six years of my twenties largely bedridden. The loneliness that accompanied that lockdown led to some morose thinking and weird behavior. For example, I’d go about in my favorite red-hearts boxer shorts instead of putting on proper clothing. … Continue reading

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Just Be Yourself And Have Fun

Common advice that performers get is to “just be yourself and have fun.” That’s all right advice, but if you are performing on radio or TV or Youtube, you need to be a heightened and cleaned up version of yourself. … Continue reading

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Looking Down From Heaven

I love this picture. I feel like this is the true perspective on life. How could one get petty from here? The photo tells me there are many ways of living a life, and one small turn can make an … Continue reading

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The News

Can we be happy when the news does not go our way? Do we allow the news to determine our happiness and serenity? For an addict, to lose serenity is to put oneself astride the precipice. If you think everything … Continue reading

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