Category Archives: Orthodox Union

In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

Los Angeles has little culture of Torah learning (except among the Haredim aka the traditional Orthodox). There are only two first-rate Modern Orthodox Torah scholars in Los Angeles — rabbis Yehuda Bukspan and David Rue. L.A.’s Modern Orthodox shuls don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Abner Weiss, Anshe Emes, Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Modern Orthodox, Nachum Sauer, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Kalman Topp, R. Yehuda Bukspan, YICC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

Does The Orthodox Union Certify Any Foods That Need Certification?

Have you noticed that everything that the Orthodox Union certifies does not really need a kosher certification? They certify bottled water but bottled water does not need a kosher certification. Sure, it makes the companies more money that sell the … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union Press Hires Rabbi/Blogger Gil Student

From Hirhurim: Link: OU Press Hires Rabbi Gil Student to be Managing Editor May 26, 2009 He’s a student of the publishing industry with hands-on experience running his own book company; he’s a knowledgeable businessman with years of experience in … Continue reading

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Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

Yehuda posts to Hirhurim: Gil, it’s lovely you’re so tolerant. I’m glad you know what they mean. Despite your tolerance, I think anyone calling you, Rabbis Weiss or Berman, or any other Torah opinions "Amalek" deserves a public rebuke, and … Continue reading

Posted in Modern Orthodox, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, YCT, Yeshiva University | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

Paying For Jewish Day Schools

From Hirhurim: OU Plans to Foster Major Savings in Non-Academic Yeshiva Expenses (link): With the encouragement and participation of a growing number of yeshivot and day schools across North America, the Orthodox Union is quickly moving ahead with a two-pronged … Continue reading

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