Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Do Jews Need Orthodoxy To Survive?

In a 2001 lecture on Numbers 30-31, Dennis Prager says: The purpose to continuing Judaism is to touch humanity with God’s message, but if you separate yourself from humanity, how do you bring God’s message to it? How does a … Continue reading

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What Converts Can Teach Us About Judaism

Oy, if only some lofty journalist would write such sentiments about me! Adam Dickter writes in The Jewish Week: But what struck me most was one line from Yoseph himself that he posted on his website bio, that he chose … Continue reading

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Ohr Somayach’s hatred even of Modern Orthodox rabbis

David Kelsey emails: “You idiot! You moron. You katan. You cow. You idiot!” This is how Rabbi Orlofsky, a former NCSY leader and “kiruv professional” talks to his students at Ohr Somayach about Rabbi Weinreb, a scholar and a gentleman, … Continue reading

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One man’s vegetarian journey from Seventh-Day Adventism to Orthodox Judaism

I am going to speak to a group of Jewish vegetarians in October. Vegetarianism is the last topic I thought I’d ever speak on. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life but never thought about it much. Here are the … Continue reading

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Kosher Racism?

From a post on Frum Satire: Yesterday, my tichel clad wife took our son to the park. Even though it was about 5 or 6 pm-ish, there was a fair amount of kids still running around. My son began to … Continue reading

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