Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox Couple Sues For Sheitel Damage

Frum couple sues on people court for shaitel damage, Total Chillul Hashem? You be the judge. In a daytime TV show called The Peoples Court a Jewish couple, identified only as Heidi and Mendi, appeared before Judge Marilyn Milian in … Continue reading

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Florida family has 45 guests at Thanksgiving dinner

I’m reading this story from the Drudge Report and thinking about the Happy Minyan. Its stalwarts Stuart and Enny Wax regularly had Shabbat dinner for a hundred people for about two years until they had kids. The kind of hospitality … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Response To Abuse Allegations In Los Angeles

Joe emails: I got curious about Aleinu in LA because Debbie Fox is becoming an important figure for the Ultra-Orthodox response to sex abuse. I spent a lot of time on your blog looking up the rabbis on her halakhic … Continue reading

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I Might Be Lazydox

Heshy Fried writes: You tend to only wear tzitzis on shabbos or when you want to make people think you are frummer than you really are, like at shachris You want to daven maariv, but are so damned tired that … Continue reading

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The Orthodox View Of Marriage

The more religious the shul, the more likely they are to have copious amounts of alcohol around on Purim and Simchat Torah. By contrast, Modern Orthodox shuls such as Bnai David tend to be alcohol free. I went traditional Thursday … Continue reading

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