Category Archives: Orthodoxy

What Frum Women Want

Watch the whole show: The rabbi references my scandalous past.

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How To Spot The Orthodox From Birth

We’re talking FFBs (Frum From Birth). Heshy Fried writes about how he spots FFBs in the San Francisco Bay Area: They come into shul late and immediately daven mincha without a siddur or saying ashrei first. They go through a … Continue reading

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Converting To Orthodox Judaism Is Hard

How come a lot of people — maybe most people — don’t find converting to Orthodox Judaism more difficult than getting an AA degree from a community college? I think it depends a lot on a person’s temperament. You can … Continue reading

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Learning The Social Mores Of Orthodox Judaism

Heshy Fried writes: When I lived in Dallas, the kiruv folk over there had the social process down pat, this was because they had no competition and most of the people becoming frum would probably never live anywhere else and … Continue reading

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An Entertainment Subgenre

Chaim Amalek emails: I know this no longer is Luke’s area, but there must be a market for shomer negia videos, in which women try to tempt men into touching them and the men steadfastly refuse, but are instead content … Continue reading

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