Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Which Frum Girls Are Best?

"A tefillin date is one in which the boy brings his tefillin along to the restaurant so if he ends up spending the night with the shaina maidel he won’t chos vesholom miss Shachris in the morning before work or … Continue reading

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I Despise Rabbis Who Demand To Be Flattered

I know rabbis who are all over-joyed by the sincerity of the goyim they are converting to the one true faith. What gets me is that these rabbis actually believe what these potential converts tell them about their motives for … Continue reading

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His Beef With Orthodoxy

Joe emails: I saw your story on shalhevet hiring vered hopenstand to teach hebrew and it reminded me of a funny story and an issue to raise. I was in a Hopenstand class in high school and she would talk … Continue reading

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Anger At Orthodox Judaism

One thing I love about Orthodox Judaism is that it provokes strong feelings in me. A while ago, I was seeing a woman who was raised Orthodox but now hates it. That didn’t bother me. There’s plenty I hate in … Continue reading

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Kaddish Is Magic

Among the most ridiculous things I see in Orthodox shuls are the fights over the right to various honors such as aliyot (call to the Torah), davening for the congregation, or reciting the Torah or Haftorah portion. I see rabbis … Continue reading

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