Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Destroying Amalek

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The Purpose of the Priestly Garments R. Mordechai Willig reminds us to emulate the character of Aharon HaKohen in our everyday conduct: link R. Shalom Rosner discusses many halachic aspects of the Bigdei Kehunah: link (audio) … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism Vs. Kundalini Yoga

In some ways, these two spiritual paths compliment each other. In other ways, they conflict. I have been studying and practicing Judaism for 20 years. I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga for two months. Here are the most significant differences … Continue reading

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I Discuss Evolution Vs. Genesis

I was on Marc Germain‘s radio show last night. I tell Marc that the first few chapters of Genesis should not be taken literally. Then Marc stumps me: "Which parts of the Bible should we take literally?" From my live … Continue reading

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Judged About Their Lack Of Jewishness

Non-Orthodox Jews frequently seem concerned that Orthodox Jews are judging them about their lack of Jewishness. On, Jason Lipeles writes: "Although he had a long beard, I wasn’t nervous or thinking that maybe he was judging my lack of … Continue reading

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Are Reform/Conservative Judaism A Separate Religion?

Orthodox Rabbi Reuven Spolter writes: In a "Modest Proposal" styled op-ed piece in the Jerusalem Post, Rabbi David Forman finally throws down the gauntlet. After years of trying to gain recognition from the government as legitimate streams of Judaism and … Continue reading

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