Category Archives: Academia

Life After Academia With Historian Lisa Munro (6-28-21)

00:00 Historian Lisa Munro, 01:00 Leaving Academia: Loss Grief and Healing, 04:30 Lisa is an adoptee, 08:30 Lisa was 38 before she knew her biological parents 22:00 Education promotes conformism 27:00 Education as indoctrination 28:20 Education fads … Continue reading

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Leaving Academia: Loss Grief and Healing

Lisa Munro writes in 2017: I’ve been out of academia for two years, having finished my PhD in 2015. I think I’m finally on the road to healing. I often joke that leaving academia feels like the worst break up … Continue reading

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Beyond The Academic Ethic

Philosopher Stephen Turner published this essay in 2019: * the German academic system of the late nineteenth century, which became the model for the modern research university… * Harvard University, for the first three centuries of its existence, was essentially … Continue reading

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That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ and the American Historical Profession

Here are some excerpts from this 1988 book: “Historical objectivity” is not a single idea, but rather a sprawling collection of assumptions, attitudes, aspirations, and antipathies. At best it is what the philosopher W. B. Gallie has called an “essentially … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book

I wonder if this book and these three articles will now become required reading for animal lab technicians and researchers at Yale University and graduate students at Columbia University.

Posted in Academia, Aish HaTorah, Animals, Books, Christianity, Crime, Education, Intermarriage, Judaism, Weddings, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book