Category Archives: Academia


“Problematic” is a favorite word among academics but they feel insulted and retreat into silence when you ask them to describe their hero system that renders so much of reality “problematic.” According to the Merriam_Webster dictionary, the third meaning of … Continue reading

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Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two

Part one. This decoding is a hard job because the podcast Decoding the Gurus (DTG) by academics Matt Browne and Chris Kavanagh is objectively impressive. Matt and Chris, however, seem unaware that they have their own subjective partisan left-wing hero … Continue reading

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The Last Intellectuals: American Culture In The Age Of Academe

Russell Jacoby writes in 2000: * A specter haunts American universities or, at least, its faculties: boredom. A generation of professors entered the universities in the middle and wake of the sixties, when campuses crackled with energy; today these teachers … Continue reading

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The Critical Theory of Academia: A Companion to The Star Chamber of Stanford

This is a work in progress and the third of Rony Guldman’s trilogy. He writes: “I originally intended the content of this manuscript to form the second part of The Star Chamber of Stanford but later decided to make it … Continue reading

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Decoding Decoding The Gurus

I love this center-left podcast by two center-left academics (Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Brown) decoding the new breed of secular gurus (such as Jordan Peterson, Ibram X. Kendi, Eric and Bret Weinstein, Joe Rogan) by examining their facts and logic. … Continue reading

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