Category Archives: Stephen Turner

Max Weber and the Two Universities

Professor Stephen P. Turner published in January 2024: No sooner than the ink had begun to dry (or should we say the pixels stopped changing) on the publications written to celebrate the centennial of Weber’s ‘Science as a Profession and … Continue reading

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Danielle Allen: Justice By Means of Democracy

Stephen Turner writes: Works from Harvard in political theory have a special sociological interest because they come from a center of power and indicate the probable rationale for where the elite are next taking the government. The last 50 years … Continue reading

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When The Powerful Steal From The Less Powerful

Philosopher Stephen Turner writes on Facebook: “So now there is a threat of using AI to escalate the plagiarism wars and out the offenders. It is an interesting dynamic. But I suspect it will be blunted by confusion over the … Continue reading

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Elites & Democracy

Stephen Turner writes a chapter called “Carl Friedrich and the Cancellation of Pareto” in the 2023 book, Vilfredo Pareto’s Contributions to Modern Social Theory: A Centennial Appraisal: * What makes Friedrich of special interest is not only the texts but … Continue reading

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Expertise in Complex Organizations

Stephen Turner writes in the 2023 book, The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics: Science is sometimes thought to be a self – correcting system: replication and the fact that other scientists must rely on the previous and related … Continue reading

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