Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Almost All Alexander Teachers Gasp For Air When They Try To Project Their Voice

F.M. Alexander‘s voice problems began when he was an actor who tried to project his voice to fill a hall. In so doing, he gasped for air, tipped his head back, and compressed his torso. This put pressure on his … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique’s Dreadful Branding

Author Michael Gelb, the world’s most famous Alexander Technique teacher, says to Direction Journal: “Alexander Technique has had a dreadful exercise in branding itself over the last 30 years. The work is more valuable than ever.” “It’s hard for Alexander … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique Teacher Robert Rickover Interviewed

Robert Rickover — owner of — is the only son of Admiral Hyman G. Rickover (the father of the nuclear navy). Here’s Robert’s eulogy of his father. I talked to Robert for over an hour this afternoon. Here’s Robert’s … Continue reading

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‘We’re Not Here To Make The Student Feel Good’

The typical Alexander Technique teacher trainee is going to hear many times over his three years of instruction that “we’re not here to make the student feel good, we’re here to help them learn something.” I’m not sure there’s such … Continue reading

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Is Alexander Technique Body Work?

Most people I know who’ve heard of the Alexander Technique regard it as body work. Yet almost all Alexander teachers say it is not body work. We think we’re teaching psycho-physical awareness. We’re teaching observation, inhibition and direction. We just … Continue reading

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